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1. 卡车。卡车运输采用PCTC(纯汽车卡车运输车),其主要特点是单层甲板(一般高度在3-4米之间)可以容纳客舱内的大型卡车。船舶尾跳的最大载重量可达每平方米45吨和3吨,允许重型卡车通过尾跳进入客舱。


2. 大型设备。一般来说,大型设备的运输比较复杂,有些部件体积和吨位较大,不能使用一般集装箱运输,而有些备件可以使用。这类设备一般采用滚装船和集装箱,可同时装载大型零件和集装箱。因此,它是许多大型设备运输的理想船型。














《国际危规》必须由《SOLAS》和《73/78防污公约》的所有成员国执行。规章制度并不局限于oIn terms of container transportation, driven by the Pacific route and asia-europe route, the volume of container trade has increased rapidly since 2002. In 2003, the total volume of international container trade was 79 million teu, up 8.2 percent year-on-year. In 2004, the growth rate increased to 11%, reaching 87.7 million teu. In 2005, the Pacific route traffic volume will increase by 12%, the asia-europe route traffic volume will increase by 15%, and the Atlantic route traffic volume will remain stable with a small increase. In 2005, container throughput will increase about 10% on the original basis. China's maritime container transport accounts for about 20 percent of the world's total and more than 60 percent of the world's container transport on the east Pacific and asia-europe routes. In 2005, China's container throughput reached 75.8 million teu, an increase of 23.7 percent, higher than the world average.




In terms of fleet building




With a total tonnage of more than 1,000 tons and a load of 296,348,000 tons, 5,700 dry bulk cargo ships are distributed among hundreds of shipping companies. Cosco has 579 ships with a payload of 244.05 million tons. Hong Kong regional shipping companies have 261 vessels with a deadweight of 18.19 million tonnes. The mainland of China and Hong Kong have a total deadweight tonnage of 42.596 million tons, accounting for 14.4 percent of the world's total deadweight tonnage. China has 231 international shipping enterprises with a total deadweight of 22.1 million tons, ranking ninth in the world. Chinese shipping enterprises have set up hundreds of wholly-owned or joint-venture shipping enterprises and offices in foreign countries, and the proportion of cargo transportation in the third country is increasing day by day.




Bulk transport editor




In the international maritime cargo transportation, there are many kinds of cargo, for different types of cargo and the use of different types of ship cargo, loading and unloading equipment is not the same. Qihai introduces the transportation of super-large cargo from ship type, loading and unloading equipment, etc.




1. The truck. Truck transport USES PCTC(pure car truck carrier), its main feature is a single deck (general height between 3-4 meters) can accommodate the large trucks in the cabin. The maximum carrying capacity of the ship can be up to 45 tons per square meter and 3 tons per square meter, allowing heavy trucks to enter the cabin through the tail jump.




2. Large equipment. Generally speaking, the transportation of large equipment is more complex, some parts are larger in volume and tonnage, which cannot be used for general container transportation, while some spare parts can be used. This type of equipment generally USES roll-onroll-off and container, can load large parts and containers at the same time. Therefore, it is the ideal ship type for many large equipment transportation.




What kind of handling equipment is suitable for such ships?




The pillow table equipment is suitable for pillow table components under 4 meters long and weighing 28 tons. Goods by crane tablets, lifting height is less than 1 meter, (in order to avoid goods damage of the goods in the process of ascension, roll), then use a special nylon tape (its stiffness is equal to the steel wire rope, but relative to the wire rope can greatly reduce the wear on the surface of the goods) or wire rope gasket, fixed plate, the goods by the forklift through tail jump ship the goods into the tank.




The roller trailer is suitable for the transportation of overweight and oversize goods. In theory, it could carry cargo 25 meters long and 120 tons. However, due to the limitations of the tail jump and the trailer carrying capacity, the actual carrying capacity will be smaller. The cargo is carried into the cabin by the tail jump of the rolling trailer to achieve zero damage.




Trains and buses. Due to the relatively long trunk of the train, which is 40 meters long, the general rolling trailer transport cannot be loaded into the passenger cabin by rotation due to the limitation of the cabin cover. A specially designed trailer can solve this problem by turning a tire 360 degrees so that when it jumps into the cabin from the stern, it can push the tire into the cabin.




Dangerous goods regulations editor




The international maritime dangerous goods code (imdg), promulgated by the international maritime organization (IMO), aims to ensure the safety of ships transporting dangerous goods, to protect the crew and reduce Marine pollution. When formulating relevant domestic laws and regulations, member states may also refer to relevant chapters of the imdg code and modify relevant provisions according to their own specific conditions.




The imdg code must be implemented by all member states of the SOLAS and marpol 73/78. Rules and regulations are not limited to o

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