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  • BY: 小蓝海
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《国际危规》(IMDG CODE)最新版本(34-08)自2010年1月起实施,要求所有与危险品有关的陆上作业人员在上岗前必须通过相应的培训。


























货运公司为在预定的申报装卸港经营货轮而提供的服务。运费按公司税则单上的费率计算。The imdg code must be implemented by all member states of the SOLAS and marpol 73/78. These provisions are not limited to the use of seafarers. Some of these provisions may be used by all shipping and ship service personnel. Rules and regulations include: technical terms, packaging, labelling, disclosure board, marking, stowage, isolation, handling and emergency response. Imo amends the imdg code every two years.




With the continuous improvement of people's living standard and the progress of science and technology, the society's demand for dangerous goods has increased significantly, which directly urges dangerous goods enterprises to develop more kinds of dangerous goods to meet these needs. Based on this, the international maritime dangerous goods ordinance provides that all personnel engaged in dangerous goods shore operations must attend training in accordance with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations, such as: dangerous goods production, packaging, warehousing, owner, freight forwarders, the carrier, the shipping company ship inspection management, dangerous goods, dangerous goods packaging manufacturing unit ground operations and port operation and management personnel, etc. The main training contents of laws and regulations generally include correct classification of dangerous goods, use of dangerous goods list, packaging regulations, packaging performance test, material labeling, labeling and labeling, Posting of danger notices, preparation of documents, loading and isolation standards, etc. Employees must hold the certificate and carry out further training according to the update interval of laws and regulations.




The latest version of IMDG CODE (34-08) has been implemented since January 2010, requiring all onshore operators related to dangerous goods to pass relevant training before taking up their posts.




Basic term editing




A contract between the lessee and the owner.




The terms and conditions of the contract shall be the same as those of the master contract entered into between the lessee and the owner. The purpose of the same clause is to ensure that any sums which the charterer may be required to pay to the next owner, such as dispatch charges, are recoverable from the owner.




No-load running




(1) the goods are not loaded at the port of discharge; (2) in some cases, the ship may make multiple voyages between two ports, but only goods in one direction are suitable for shipment; (3) other circumstances. It may be more economical to ship high-freight goods to an empty port than to ship low-freight goods to that port.




Such rates




A tax on a shipping company or liner conference tariff, each of which includes a single rate and a set of goods applicable to that rate. These grades are converted into easily identifiable figures and can be preceded by a W or M to indicate whether freight charges are calculated by weight or by size.




Additional demurrage charges




If the charterer, consignor or consignee fails to complete the loading or unloading within the agreed demurrage charges, the amount payable by the charterer, consignor or consignee to the shipowner. The daily rate for additional demurrage shall be fixed by the charter party.




Rebate commission




A commission paid by the shipowner to the charterer, expressed as a percentage of freight or rent, usually 2.5%. While charterers use this commission as a means of reducing freight or rent, shipowners can adjust it.




Liner shipping




A service provided by a freight company to operate a freighter at a scheduled port of call. Freight is calculated at the rate shown on the company tax bill.


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    公司的整体质量和服务质量得到了船东,托运人和港口单位的广泛认可; 我们致力于为客户开发专业的集装箱运输服务,并提供高质量,低成本和合理的专业运输物流服务。



    • 与各大船务公司签定协议,提供优惠价格,拥有大量优势航线(欧地线、红海线、非洲线、美加线、南美线等等)。
    • 签发包括海洋提单在内的各类各式联运提单或货物承运凭证。
    • 可以根据客户要求,设计合理路线的方案,提供货物全程运输追踪等全方位一站式服务。
      • 可为国内外客户提供集装箱整箱、拼箱、散货及大宗货物的运输和租船业务,同时也可提供目的港的清关、拆箱、提货等服务。
      • 不管您的贸易方式是EXW, FOB还是CIF,我们都能受理
      • 为进口货物提供仓储,运输,集装箱装配和拆包,运输,保险等服务;
    • 在起运港直接办理各项所需的单证文件
    • 提供进口货物的货物换货,报关,检验,检验,结算,终端,接收和监管转运等一站式服务;


    1. 我司从事拖箱业务多年,拥有自己的拖车及仓库。可为客户提供不同时间的仓储、打托包装、薰蒸及短驳服务。
    2. 可以为客户提供全方位的货运保险,包括海运一切险、公路运输货运险、国际货运综合险,其它险等。
    3. 公司是专业的保税仓储、国际中转、加工整理、国际货代、报关报检、物流咨询、转口贸易、出口退税、物流分拨第三方物流企业。
      1. 公司在日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚、中东、澳洲、欧美、非洲等航线有较强的运价优势。
      2. 承接 散杂船、散货船、重吊船、滚装船等各种特种船的经纪与租船服务
      3. 进口——海运整集装箱及拼箱的全程进口、FOB进口运输代理服务
    4. 凭借庞大的商品量,我们可以为客户申请更优惠的价格,从而与客户实现双赢。
    5. 物流联系电话:18826441634
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