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武汉工业大学In 1960, dmu was designated as a state key university. In 1963, premier zhou personally guided the students majoring in navigation in dalian maritime university to implement the semi-militarized management. In 1983, the United Nations development programme (UNDP) and the international maritime organization (IMO) established the asia-pacific international maritime training center at the university. 1985 dalian branch of world maritime university was established; Approved by the state education commission in 1994, dmu was renamed dalian maritime university. In 1997, the state approved the implementation of the "project 211" key construction. In 1998, the quality management system of the university passed the certification of the state port supervision administration and the Norwegian classification society (DNV), becoming the first university in China to pass the ISO9001 quality management system certification and the three certification rules of DNV. In 2004, the university successfully passed the evaluation and assessment of the undergraduate teaching level by the expert group of the ministry of education, and was awarded as "excellent". In 2006, the former ministry of communications, ministry of education, liaoning province and dalian city reached a joint development agreement to support and accelerate the construction and development of dalian normal university and further improve its comprehensive strength and educational level. Through continuous construction and development, the university has been in the forefront of similar universities in the world in terms of scale and education level.




Shanghai maritime university




Shanghai maritime university (SMU)




Shanghai maritime university is a multi-disciplinary comprehensive university integrating engineering, management, economics, law, literature and other disciplines and integrating shipping technology, economy and management. China's higher maritime education began in Shanghai. In 1909, the shipping department of Shanghai advanced industrial school (nanyang public school) under the ministry of posts and telecommunications of the late qing dynasty established China's higher maritime education. In 1912, the wusong merchant shipping academy was founded and changed its name to wusong merchant shipping academy in 1928. In 1959, the ministry of communications established Shanghai maritime university in Shanghai. 1959 the ministry of communications established the Shanghai maritime academy in Shanghai. Since 2000, the school has been jointly built by the Shanghai municipal government and the ministry of communications and administered by the Shanghai municipal people's government. In 2004, the ministry of education approved the name change of Shanghai maritime university to Shanghai maritime university. In order to better serve the construction of Shanghai international shipping center and the development of national shipping industry, according to the layout and structural adjustment plan of Shanghai universities, the main body of Shanghai maritime university was relocated to lingang new city. On November 19, 2004, the new school broke ground and was completed in October 2008. The campus covers an area of 1.33 million square meters, with a total construction area of 600,000 square meters, a greening rate of 52%, and a water area of 80,000 square meters. The improvement of the new campus and its supporting facilities will provide a new platform for the university to better serve the construction of Shanghai international shipping center and the development of China and even the world shipping industry.




In 2009, China's higher maritime education and Shanghai maritime university celebrated the centennial anniversary, and the centennial China's higher maritime education kicked off in Shanghai. Rooted in this fertile land, Shanghai maritime university has a long history. On September 23 of the same year, more than 200 alumni of wusong merchant Marine college gathered at the new campus of Shanghai maritime university to solemnly commemorate the 100th anniversary of wusong merchant Marine college, the birthplace of China's Marine higher education. After the meeting, the monument to the 100th anniversary of wusong merchant Marine college, the source of China's Marine higher education, was unveiled. It symbolizes the centennial history of wusong merchant shipping academy, the birthplace of China's Marine education.




Wuhan university of technology

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    • 签发包括海洋提单在内的各类各式联运提单或货物承运凭证。
    • 可以根据客户要求,设计合理路线的方案,提供货物全程运输追踪等全方位一站式服务。
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    2. 可以为客户提供全方位的货运保险,包括海运一切险、公路运输货运险、国际货运综合险,其它险等。
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      1. 公司在日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚、中东、澳洲、欧美、非洲等航线有较强的运价优势。
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