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  • BY: 小蓝海
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包括基本运费和各种附加费。基本运费分为两大类:一类是传统的杂货运费;一类是集装箱费率。海或海杂物品也按商品价格或件数收取运费。散货和低值货物的运费由双方协商确定。班轮运输有多种附加费,包括;超长附加费、超重附加费、自选卸货附加费、变更卸货附加费、燃油附加费、拥挤附加费、偏差附加费、中转附加费、直航附加费等。集装箱运输费用除上述海运费外,还应包括相关服务费和设备使用费。另外,如果不同的商品混在一个包裹里,班轮公司会收取运费。发货人未将毛重、体积以不同包装单独载明的,运费按较高运费的整票提单计算收取。托运人未单独规定毛重和体积的,运费也应当加收。租船就是租整艘船。租船成本比班轮低,而且可以选择直航,所以散货一般采用租船运输。租船有两种主要方式:航次租船和定期租船。1. 预定的宪章。航次租船合同是以航次租船合同为基础的,又称航次租船合同。船舶应当按照租船合同约定的航次完成货物运输任务,并负责船舶的经营管理和航行中发生的一切费用。一般来说,航次租船的运费是根据所运货物的数量或者航次租船的金额来计算的。双方的权利和义务由租船合同约定。在租船方式上,合同应明确船舶是否承担货物在港口的装卸费用。船舶不承担装卸责任的,应当在合同中约定装卸期限或者装卸费率,并相应支付滞期费和速遣费。承租人未在规定期限内完成装卸工作的。为了赔偿船舶因误期造成的损失,船舶应当支付一定的违约金,即滞期费。承租人提前完成装卸作业的,船舶应当向承租人支付一定的奖金,称为速遣费。通常速遣费是滞期费的一半。定期租船。定期租船是指在一定时期内租船运输的方式。它也叫定期租船合同。在此期间,承租人可以在规定的航区内自行调度、控制船舶,但应当负担船舶营运过程中的各种费用,如燃油费、港口费、装卸费等。专用码头相对于一般码头,用于装卸特定类型货物及其方向的专用码头。如:煤炭码头、化肥(散装或袋装)码头、石油码头、集装箱码头等。码头设备固定,装卸机械化、自动化程度高,装卸效率高,码头容量大,管理方便。装卸集装箱的码头。一般要求有专门的装卸运输设备、宽阔的集装箱堆场和分类货物和拆装集装箱的集装箱货运站。服务费和设备使用费。


另外,如果不同的商品混在一个包裹里,班轮公司会收取运费。发货人未将毛重、体积以不同包装单独载明的,运费按较高运费的整票提单计算收取。托运人未单独规定毛重和体积的,运费也应当加收。Including basic freight and various surcharges. Basic freight is divided into two categories: one is the traditional freight of groceries; One is container rates. Sea or sea miscellaneous article also collects freight according to commodity price or number of pieces. Freight for bulk and low value goods shall be determined by the parties through negotiation. Liner transport has a variety of surcharges, including; Extra length surcharge, extra weight surcharge, optional discharge surcharge, change discharge surcharge, fuel surcharge, congestion surcharge, deviation surcharge, transit surcharge, direct route surcharge, etc. In addition to the above sea freight, the container transportation expenses shall include relevant service charges and equipment usage fees. In addition, if different goods are mixed in one package, the liner company will charge the freight. If the shipper has not separately stated the gross weight and volume in different packages, the freight shall be calculated and collected on the basis of the higher freight bill of lading. If the shipper has not specified the gross weight and volume separately, the freight shall be added. To charter a ship is to charter the whole ship. Charter cost is lower than liner, and can choose direct shipping, so bulk goods generally use charter shipping. There are two main forms of charter: voyage charter and time charter. 1. Intended charter. Voyage charter party is based on voyage charter party, also known as voyage charter party. The ship shall complete the cargo transport in accordance with the voyage agreed upon in the charter party and shall be responsible for the operation and management of the ship and all expenses incurred during the voyage. Generally speaking, voyage charter freight is calculated according to the quantity of goods shipped or the amount of voyage charter. The rights and obligations of both parties shall be stipulated in the charter party. In terms of chartering, the contract shall specify whether the ship shall bear the costs of loading and unloading the goods at the port. Where the ship is not liable for loading or unloading, the time limit or rate for loading or unloading shall be stipulated in the contract, and demurrage and dispatch money shall be paid accordingly. The charterer fails to complete the loading and unloading work within the prescribed time limit. In order to compensate the loss caused by the delay, the ship shall pay a certain penalty for breach of contract, that is, demurrage. If the charterer finishes the loading and unloading operation ahead of time, the ship shall pay a certain bonus to the charterer, which is called dispatch money. Usually despatch is half demurrage. Time charter. Time charter refers to the mode of transport by chartering a ship for a certain period of time. It is also called a time charter party. During this period, the charterer may dispatch and control the ship within the prescribed navigation area by himself, but he shall bear all kinds of expenses in the operation of the ship, such as fuel fee, port fee, loading and unloading fee, etc. A special wharf for loading and unloading a particular type of cargo and its direction, as opposed to a general wharf. Such as: coal terminal, fertilizer (bulk or bag) terminal, oil terminal, container terminal. Terminal equipment fixed, loading and unloading mechanization, high degree of automation, loading and unloading efficiency, terminal capacity, convenient management. A terminal for loading and unloading containers. Special loading and unloading equipment, wide container yards and container freight stations for sorting and disassembling containers are generally required. Service fee and equipment usage fee.




In addition, if different goods are mixed in one package, the liner company will charge the freight. If the shipper has not separately stated the gross weight and volume in different packages, the freight shall be calculated and collected on the basis of the higher freight bill of lading. If the shipper has not specified the gross weight and volume separately, the freight shall be added.


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    公司的整体质量和服务质量得到了船东,托运人和港口单位的广泛认可; 我们致力于为客户开发专业的集装箱运输服务,并提供高质量,低成本和合理的专业运输物流服务。



    • 与各大船务公司签定协议,提供优惠价格,拥有大量优势航线(欧地线、红海线、非洲线、美加线、南美线等等)。
    • 签发包括海洋提单在内的各类各式联运提单或货物承运凭证。
    • 可以根据客户要求,设计合理路线的方案,提供货物全程运输追踪等全方位一站式服务。
      • 可为国内外客户提供集装箱整箱、拼箱、散货及大宗货物的运输和租船业务,同时也可提供目的港的清关、拆箱、提货等服务。
      • 不管您的贸易方式是EXW, FOB还是CIF,我们都能受理
      • 为进口货物提供仓储,运输,集装箱装配和拆包,运输,保险等服务;
    • 在起运港直接办理各项所需的单证文件
    • 提供进口货物的货物换货,报关,检验,检验,结算,终端,接收和监管转运等一站式服务;


    1. 我司从事拖箱业务多年,拥有自己的拖车及仓库。可为客户提供不同时间的仓储、打托包装、薰蒸及短驳服务。
    2. 可以为客户提供全方位的货运保险,包括海运一切险、公路运输货运险、国际货运综合险,其它险等。
    3. 公司是专业的保税仓储、国际中转、加工整理、国际货代、报关报检、物流咨询、转口贸易、出口退税、物流分拨第三方物流企业。
      1. 公司在日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚、中东、澳洲、欧美、非洲等航线有较强的运价优势。
      2. 承接 散杂船、散货船、重吊船、滚装船等各种特种船的经纪与租船服务
      3. 进口——海运整集装箱及拼箱的全程进口、FOB进口运输代理服务
    4. 凭借庞大的商品量,我们可以为客户申请更优惠的价格,从而与客户实现双赢。
    5. 物流联系电话:18826441634
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