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国际海运物流的发展:第三方物流的迅速发展,逐渐占据了国际物流的主导地位。第三方物流是指中介机构提供特殊的或综合的物流系统设计和系统运行的物流服务模式。在发达国家,随着电子商务、网络技术和物流全球化的快速发展,区域物流和广义上的企业物流通过上下游的延伸和扩张呈现出相互融合的趋势。现在的物流服务已经远远超出了传统意义上的货物配送、仓储或仓储等基本物流服务。为了更好地适应国际竞争,提高服务质量,中金国际货运一直致力于货运系统的发展和完善,高科技的使用意味着整个货运网络连接成一个,为了为客户提供在线预订,实时查询和其他功能。通过不懈的努力,公司在业务上取得了长足的发展,与全球数十家集装箱航运公司、工厂、贸易商、保险公司建立了稳固的业务关系。与The company was established on May 31, 2006. By the legal representative, as Mr Zhi-jian wei company business scope includes: not by sea, land, air import and export goods, international exhibits, personal belongings and transit goods international transport agency business, including: freight, shipping, booking, warehousing, transit, devanning, miscellaneous fees, customs declaration, inspection and quarantine, insurance, relevant short-distance transport services and transportation consulting business, international multimodal transport, freight transportation (including container LCL); Domestic freight forwarding business; Marine information consultation; How to successfully carry out international shipping business for non-ship carrying goods in and out of the port of the People's Republic of China? Although dalian has its unique advantages and it is convenient to conduct international shipping in dalian, it will be troublesome to handle relevant procedures if we do not make good preparations. You know, transportation costs are very complicated, and if you can understand those costs, you can avoid being cheated. When choosing a Marine freight forwarder, you may wish to take a look at the relevant rankings, select some Marine freight forwarder, recommend loyalty to international freight, provide safe and comfortable services, and design and realize personalized solutions according to the characteristics and needs of customers, so as to reduce the cost in the process of cargo transportation. We can offer our clients the best shipping price.
















There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a shipping company. First of all, we should know which shipping companies there are now, which routes they are responsible for, and what are the advantages of each route. Still have when making a choice, do not want the shipping company of big font necessarily good, must remember to suit oneself to just be best only --! The staff of zhongjin international freight co., LTD have good knowledge of sea transportation, and can provide you with sea transportation, space booking, trailer transportation, customs clearance and other services. The company can design the international logistics plan for customers, reduce the cost of customers to the minimum, and provide professional personnel to follow up the operation.








Development of international maritime logistics: the rapid development of third-party logistics has gradually occupied the leading position of international logistics. The third party logistics refers to the logistics service mode that the intermediary provides special or comprehensive logistics system design and system operation. In developed countries, with the rapid development of e-commerce, network technology and logistics globalization, regional logistics and enterprise logistics in a broad sense show a trend of mutual integration through the extension and expansion of upstream and downstream. Now the logistics service has gone far beyond the traditional sense of goods distribution, warehousing or warehousing and other basic logistics services. In order to better adapt to international competition and improve service quality, cicc freight has been committed to the development and improvement of the freight system. The use of high-tech means that the entire freight network is connected into one, in order to provide customers with online booking, real-time query and other functions. Through unremitting efforts, the company has achieved considerable development in the business, with dozens of global container shipping companies, factories, traders, insurance companies to establish a solid business relations. Keep close contact with shipping, aviation, customs, commodity inspection and other institutions.航运、航空、海关、商检等机构保持密切联系。

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    公司的整体质量和服务质量得到了船东,托运人和港口单位的广泛认可; 我们致力于为客户开发专业的集装箱运输服务,并提供高质量,低成本和合理的专业运输物流服务。



    • 与各大船务公司签定协议,提供优惠价格,拥有大量优势航线(欧地线、红海线、非洲线、美加线、南美线等等)。
    • 签发包括海洋提单在内的各类各式联运提单或货物承运凭证。
    • 可以根据客户要求,设计合理路线的方案,提供货物全程运输追踪等全方位一站式服务。
      • 可为国内外客户提供集装箱整箱、拼箱、散货及大宗货物的运输和租船业务,同时也可提供目的港的清关、拆箱、提货等服务。
      • 不管您的贸易方式是EXW, FOB还是CIF,我们都能受理
      • 为进口货物提供仓储,运输,集装箱装配和拆包,运输,保险等服务;
    • 在起运港直接办理各项所需的单证文件
    • 提供进口货物的货物换货,报关,检验,检验,结算,终端,接收和监管转运等一站式服务;


    1. 我司从事拖箱业务多年,拥有自己的拖车及仓库。可为客户提供不同时间的仓储、打托包装、薰蒸及短驳服务。
    2. 可以为客户提供全方位的货运保险,包括海运一切险、公路运输货运险、国际货运综合险,其它险等。
    3. 公司是专业的保税仓储、国际中转、加工整理、国际货代、报关报检、物流咨询、转口贸易、出口退税、物流分拨第三方物流企业。
      1. 公司在日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚、中东、澳洲、欧美、非洲等航线有较强的运价优势。
      2. 承接 散杂船、散货船、重吊船、滚装船等各种特种船的经纪与租船服务
      3. 进口——海运整集装箱及拼箱的全程进口、FOB进口运输代理服务
    4. 凭借庞大的商品量,我们可以为客户申请更优惠的价格,从而与客户实现双赢。
    5. 物流联系电话:18826441634
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