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  • BY: 小蓝海
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2007年,中国海上运输业保持快速发展,增加值3414亿元,比上年增长21.1%。到2007年,港口由2000年的3个增至14个,上海港吞吐量由2.04亿吨增至5.31亿吨,2005年居世界首位。上海港集装箱吞吐量2615万teu,首次位居世界第二,仅次于新加坡。沿海地区煤炭、石油、集装箱、粮食五大运输体系基本建成。港口货物吞吐量和集装箱吞吐量连续5年居世界首位。2007年集装箱吞吐量首次突破1亿集装箱,运力超过1亿吨。Huanfengrong freight agency service department is a third-party logistics company committed to integrating the logistics resources of guangdong and even the whole country, and also a transport company engaged in freight business in guangdong province. Guangzhou panyu district east ring fengrong freight agency service department registered capital of 2 million yuan, industry and commerce, tax, commission full set of permits complete. Many are among the most experienced players in the industry. It is guangzhou panyu district east ring fengrong freight forwarding service department the most obvious advantage.








Dedicated line network throughout the country




Guangzhou panyu district east ring fengrong freight forwarding service department has the information of thousands of freight lines from guangdong to all over the country, and has good cooperation with most of them. Because there are more routes for cooperation and more choices, we can ensure that customers' small goods will be loaded on the day of departure, which is faster than the routes we drive. Due to the large amount of goods, the special line attaches great importance to the cooperation with fengrong freight agency service department in the east ring of panyu district of guangzhou, so the delivery price of fengrong freight agency service department in the east ring of panyu district of guangzhou has been very low. Due to the wide range of cooperation, all cities in the country have guangzhou panyu east ring fengrong freight forwarding service partners, in China, chuangjia has little place. Shipping terms editor




Marine insurance clause is a basic clause in Marine insurance contract. Our country draws lessons from the international Marine insurance practice, also stipulated the clause in the Marine insurance clause. Its main purpose is to require the insured not to engage in sea towage or salvage business; It shall not load or unload goods at sea directly with other vessels (small vessels not used in ports or coastal areas), including entering ports, docking or leaving ports; It is prohibited for the insured ship to engage in the voyage of dismantling or selling off the insured ship. Under this limitation, the insurer shall be liable unless the insured obtains the prior consent of the insurer and accepts the revised terms and conditions of the insurance and the additional premium required, or if the purpose of the voyage insurance or the purpose of the explosion of the vessel. Otherwise, the insurer shall not be liable for any loss or liability for any third party arising therefrom.




Maritime industry editor




Maritime transport is the most important mode of transport in international logistics. A means by which ships carry goods between ports of different countries and regions by sea routes. Shipping accounts for more than two-thirds of total international trade and about 90 percent of China's total imports and exports.




With the rapid development of China's economy, China has become one of the most important maritime powers in the world. In the new century, China's maritime transport industry has maintained a momentum of rapid growth, with an average annual growth of 16.5% in port throughput and over 30% in container throughput.




In 2007, China's maritime transport industry maintained rapid development, with an added value of 341.4 billion yuan, up 21.1% over the previous year. By 2007, the number of ports had increased from 3 in 2000 to 14, and the throughput of Shanghai port had increased from 204 million tons to 531 million tons, ranking first in the world in 2005. The container throughput of Shanghai port is 26.15 million teu, ranking the second in the world for the first time, only second to Singapore. Five major transportation systems for coal, oil, containers and grain have been basically established in coastal areas. Port cargo throughput and container throughput for five consecutive years ranked first in the world. In 2007, the container throughput exceeded 100 million containers for the first time and the shipping capacity exceeded 100 million tons.

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    公司的整体质量和服务质量得到了船东,托运人和港口单位的广泛认可; 我们致力于为客户开发专业的集装箱运输服务,并提供高质量,低成本和合理的专业运输物流服务。



    • 与各大船务公司签定协议,提供优惠价格,拥有大量优势航线(欧地线、红海线、非洲线、美加线、南美线等等)。
    • 签发包括海洋提单在内的各类各式联运提单或货物承运凭证。
    • 可以根据客户要求,设计合理路线的方案,提供货物全程运输追踪等全方位一站式服务。
      • 可为国内外客户提供集装箱整箱、拼箱、散货及大宗货物的运输和租船业务,同时也可提供目的港的清关、拆箱、提货等服务。
      • 不管您的贸易方式是EXW, FOB还是CIF,我们都能受理
      • 为进口货物提供仓储,运输,集装箱装配和拆包,运输,保险等服务;
    • 在起运港直接办理各项所需的单证文件
    • 提供进口货物的货物换货,报关,检验,检验,结算,终端,接收和监管转运等一站式服务;


    1. 我司从事拖箱业务多年,拥有自己的拖车及仓库。可为客户提供不同时间的仓储、打托包装、薰蒸及短驳服务。
    2. 可以为客户提供全方位的货运保险,包括海运一切险、公路运输货运险、国际货运综合险,其它险等。
    3. 公司是专业的保税仓储、国际中转、加工整理、国际货代、报关报检、物流咨询、转口贸易、出口退税、物流分拨第三方物流企业。
      1. 公司在日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚、中东、澳洲、欧美、非洲等航线有较强的运价优势。
      2. 承接 散杂船、散货船、重吊船、滚装船等各种特种船的经纪与租船服务
      3. 进口——海运整集装箱及拼箱的全程进口、FOB进口运输代理服务
    4. 凭借庞大的商品量,我们可以为客户申请更优惠的价格,从而与客户实现双赢。
    5. 物流联系电话:18826441634
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