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  • BY: 小蓝海
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2015年12月28日,根据相关业务提供线索,经过一年多的研究,发展和改革委员会已经告诉日本邮船,k线,公司商船三井和轮威尔逊之后滚装船运输有限公司,有限公司,中国物流有限公司,有限公司,智利南美航运有限公司,有限公司,东日本汽车运输有限公司,有限公司和智利海运货物运输有限公司有限公司八家国际滚装货运公司实施串通投标价格垄断协议行为,依法作出处罚,并将2014年滚装货运国际航运服务与中国市场挂钩Maritime transport is the most important mode of transport in international logistics. A means by which ships carry goods between ports of different countries and regions by sea routes. Shipping accounts for more than two-thirds of total international trade and about 90 percent of China's total imports and exports.




With the rapid development of China's economy, China has become one of the most important maritime powers in the world. In the new century, China's maritime transport industry has maintained a momentum of rapid growth, with an average annual growth of 16.5% in port throughput and over 30% in container throughput.




In 2007, China's maritime transport industry maintained rapid development, with an added value of 341.4 billion yuan, up 21.1% over the previous year. By 2007, the number of ports had increased from 3 in 2000 to 14, and the throughput of Shanghai port had increased from 204 million tons to 531 million tons, ranking first in the world in 2005. The container throughput of Shanghai port is 26.15 million teu, ranking the second in the world for the first time, only second to Singapore. Five major transportation systems for coal, oil, containers and grain have been basically established in coastal areas. Port cargo throughput and container throughput for five consecutive years ranked first in the world. In 2007, the container throughput exceeded 100 million containers for the first time and the shipping capacity exceeded 100 million tons.




In the first half of 2008, the overall prosperity of China's shipping market has been rising, and the market segments are clearly differentiated. In the second half of 2008, the financial crisis accelerated its transmission to the real economy and plunged the global shipping industry into depression. The sudden setback contrasts with the industry's lament a few years ago that it was experiencing its biggest opportunity in a decade. The importance attached by the shipping industry of all countries to this crisis, especially the grim situation of its future development, is enough to reflect the depth and impact of this crisis on the shipping industry.




In the face of crisis, everyone has danger and opportunity. The financial crisis has provided opportunities for the upgrading and development of China's shipping industry. The decline of maritime industry from the high profit range will directly accelerate the survival of the fittest and the integration of Marine enterprise resources, and accelerate the development of large specialized ships. Financial storm also created condition for shipping industry to change development mode. We will actively expand the areas and scope of cooperation with the capital, finance, insurance and other industries, and improve the scientific development capacity of Marine enterprises. Economic crisis makes current shipping, steel price drops considerably, for Marine business implementation low cost expands created a condition.




In recent years, China's shipping industry has speeded up the strategy of "national cargo and national transportation", and shipping enterprises have been cooperating with customers more and more closely. In addition to the long-term contracts for the import of iron ore, crude oil and other bulk transportation with big customers, shipping companies have also begun to establish the cooperation mode of joint venture transportation companies with customers. According to the national energy transport plan, the proportion of oil and bulk raw materials transported by ships in China will exceed 50% by 2010 and gradually increase to about 80% by 2015.




Since reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China's foreign trade, import and export trade is now the highest in the world, China's foreign trade import and export growth hit a record $2.17383 trillion in 2007, on September 1, 2008, China's foreign trade import and export gross of nearly $2 trillion, $1.9671 trillion, the number of more than 90% of China's foreign trade is done according to the sea, in the long run, China's shipping market development prospects.




On December 28, 2015, according to the relevant business to provide clues, after more than a year of research, development and reform commission has told Nippon yusen, k line, the company mitsui osk and wheel after Wilson ro-ro transportation co., LTD., co., LTD., China logistics co., LTD., co., LTD., Chile, South America shipping co., LTD., co., LTD., east Japan motor transport co., LTD., co., LTD and Chile sea cargo transportation co., LTD., co., LTD. Eight international cargo freight company to implement colluding bid price monopoly agreements, the punishment according to law, and will be 2014 ro-ro cargo international shipping services linked to the Chinese market


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    公司的整体质量和服务质量得到了船东,托运人和港口单位的广泛认可; 我们致力于为客户开发专业的集装箱运输服务,并提供高质量,低成本和合理的专业运输物流服务。



    • 与各大船务公司签定协议,提供优惠价格,拥有大量优势航线(欧地线、红海线、非洲线、美加线、南美线等等)。
    • 签发包括海洋提单在内的各类各式联运提单或货物承运凭证。
    • 可以根据客户要求,设计合理路线的方案,提供货物全程运输追踪等全方位一站式服务。
      • 可为国内外客户提供集装箱整箱、拼箱、散货及大宗货物的运输和租船业务,同时也可提供目的港的清关、拆箱、提货等服务。
      • 不管您的贸易方式是EXW, FOB还是CIF,我们都能受理
      • 为进口货物提供仓储,运输,集装箱装配和拆包,运输,保险等服务;
    • 在起运港直接办理各项所需的单证文件
    • 提供进口货物的货物换货,报关,检验,检验,结算,终端,接收和监管转运等一站式服务;


    1. 我司从事拖箱业务多年,拥有自己的拖车及仓库。可为客户提供不同时间的仓储、打托包装、薰蒸及短驳服务。
    2. 可以为客户提供全方位的货运保险,包括海运一切险、公路运输货运险、国际货运综合险,其它险等。
    3. 公司是专业的保税仓储、国际中转、加工整理、国际货代、报关报检、物流咨询、转口贸易、出口退税、物流分拨第三方物流企业。
      1. 公司在日本、韩国、台湾、东南亚、中东、澳洲、欧美、非洲等航线有较强的运价优势。
      2. 承接 散杂船、散货船、重吊船、滚装船等各种特种船的经纪与租船服务
      3. 进口——海运整集装箱及拼箱的全程进口、FOB进口运输代理服务
    4. 凭借庞大的商品量,我们可以为客户申请更优惠的价格,从而与客户实现双赢。
    5. 物流联系电话:18826441634
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